Meet the Fam

Our family gathers at Christmas
We are blessed with a very loving and supportive family.  We are spread far and wide from Vermont in the north to Georgia in the south, but that just gives all of us another excuse to travel! 

Our child will be the first of the next generation, and while he or she awaits cousins, they will be showered in love by grandparents, aunts and uncles.  In fact, plans have already begun to visit such kid-friendly places as Ben and Jerry's, the Atlanta Zoo, Six Flags and the Vermont Teddy Bear Factory. 

When the family gets together, we talk, we laugh and we play games.  Euchre, rummy, and Yahtzee are family favorites.

But we want our family to grow not just by the addition of a child, but by the addition of that child's first family.  We look forward to welcoming our child's first family into our extended family!

Mom and Dad at the Vermont Teddy Bear Factory



Tami's visit to Flip Burger


Tracy and Jason ski in Vermont


A rousing game of euchre

Easter 2011

Mom and Dad in Vermont

Tami, Troy and Tracy try out for cheerleading at the College Football Hall of Fame

The sisters "paws" in decorating their bunny cake

Tami and Tracy get into the swing of things

Tami, Dad and Toni rock the Beatles