Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Many of my Facebook friends have been expressing their thanks all month long with daily statements of those things they were most thankful for.  I admire their efforts to do that on a daily basis, and I, too give my thanks to God each evening for His gifts in my life, but that list is largely the same day in and day out with a few thankful exclamations during the day when I rediscover my misplaced car key, or find out that the dribble from lunch didn't stain my new sweater. 

It's difficult to put into words my thanks for the wonderful things in my life.  Too often I feel that a few words of gratitude are simply inadequate.  I know how blessed I am.  So, with all humility and the certain knowledge that mere words will fail me, here is my list:

1.  I am thankful for my wonderful husband who is my partner in life, a dear friend, a confidant, and absolutely my better half.  Without him, my life would be without color and passion.

2.  I am thankful for my parents who have taken the idea of loving and supporting their children to a whole new level.  Someday, I will write a blog post entitled, "A Mello, A Volleyball, An Airplane and A Parent" to explain further.  They have both been excellent role models for me in their personal, professional and spiritual life.

3.  I am thankful for my sisters.  Sometimes they are as different from me as night from day, and yet it never keeps us from laughing, crying, sharing and caring.  I probably don't tell them often enough, but I am so proud of the women they have become, beautiful outside and in.

4.  I am thankful for my Monty and Tyson.  Dogs love unconditionally and know without having to be told when I need the comfort of a warm furry body wrapped around my feet, in my lap, or (on occasion) in my face, especially during a particularly stressful Notre Dame or Colts football game. 

5.  I am thankful that I have a roof over my head, and more than that, that we have this particular house.  Sure there are bigger houses out there, and those that are fancier.  But this one is ours, in its heart and soul, and I love it.

6.  I am thankful that, not only do I have a job, but that I have one that I enjoy, that challenges me, that provides me with co-workers whom I genuinely like, and a boss that has gone out of his way to show his appreciation for his staff in general and me in particular.

7.  I am thankful for my health.  I have not missed a day of work for illness in what has probably been 3 years.  Now, I will knock on wood.

8.  I am thankful for my faith.  The joy and comfort that it gives me has gotten me through some pretty difficult times, especially over the past couple of years. 

9.  I am thankful for the worship community of St. Mary's Episcopal Church.  Just over a year ago, they welcomed me with open arms and have become a source of inspiration and fun. 

10.  I am thankful that I am who I am.  Not long ago, I was devastated to read the words: practical, intelligent, and makes me think through things before being spontaneous in my husband's entry under the Why We Love Each Other heading on our profile letter.  Yes, the words were true, and he meant them to be complimentary, but they seemed so very cold and boring, not at all likely to inspire a woman to think, "That's a perfect quality for the mother of my child to have."  Those were words to describe a buzz kill of a person.  Then a couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine came into the office clearly upset and pulled me aside.  After venting and seeking my advice, she said, "I was so hoping you were there, because I knew you could make me calm down and think straight."  It's really all a matter of prospective, and now I've got that too.  Incidentally, those qualities will likely come in very handy in the teen years...

11.  I am thankful for my friends and neighbors.  It's good to know that if I dropped off of the face of the earth, someone would notice....and feed the dogs for me.

And last, but by no means least...

12. I am thankful for where we are in the expansion of our family.  I believe that God's plan all along was for us to journey down this path, and my generous family members, both alive and gone, have helped us move down this road.  We are blessed that we have had the support that we've been given and that we are able to pursue the avenues that we did to welcome a child in our lives.  Though adoption wasn't our first choice, it is our best choice and we are so lucky to be in a position to be able to pursue it.   

Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

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